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How to cut your spending without giving up the fun

Learn the keys to reduce spending WITHOUT a complicated budget AND actually agree on what to cut out.

Process in review

Why did we do 5 modules before figuring out where to cut our spending?

What will freeing up extra money do for you?

Guilt-free spending and the 200/500/1,000 Rule

Where will the extra money come from?

You don’t have to give up what you care about

How do you find extra money?

Don’t start with what you need to restrict. Start here instead.

Keep, Cut Back, Eliminate

My key framework to help you EASILY cut your spending without feeling like you have to sacrifice.

How to cut your spending using Keep, Cut Back, Eliminate

Here’s how to actually implement the strategy and cut your spending without giving up the fun + What to do with the extra money.

Weekly Spending Review UPDATED

How to set up your budgets

Set up Weekly Spending Targets

It’s the best way to end the month on target.

Weekly Spending Review Benefits

Looking at the key metrics weekly in 5 minutes will keep the wheels on.